We’ve been running a “statistics” app on our website since I redid it a few years ago. Some of the stats are interesting, in my opinion. First, here’s the number of page hits and different visitors (discrete IP addresses) that we’ve had visiting our site. Note that I took this “snapshot” at 2:00 pm on a Sunday, so numbers for “today” may not mean much. What this averages out to is around 60 visitors and 180 page hits per day for the past year. However, in the last month it has increased to 77 and 205 per day. For the last week it was 100 and 241 per day. Not sure why the recent spike in activity, but it is interesting.


Also of interest are the top 10 page hits:


Of course the huge winner is the home page…probably because it is the primary target of the search engines. But next is the “cost” page, which tells me that we are getting a good number of non-members who are interested enough in our cost structure to dig deeper. 3rd and 5th are a couple of articles that I wrote and shared on our message board. These were also as a result of search engine hits. 4th is the member login page, which indicates that our members are utilizing the members-only areas (or that hackers are unsuccessfully trying to break into it ;^). 6, 7 and 8 are hits on our planes. Note that 6CD and 68V seem to be the popular ones. Contact and FAQ pages are next, again making me think that non-members are truly curious.

Anyway, I found this data interesting, I thought you all might find it of interest, as well.