Our newly-minted maintenance officer, Michael Turik, has been busy since he was elected in December. He and our club secretary, Bill Smith have resurrected, revived and reworked a maintenance tracking spreadsheet for all of our aircraft. We’ve posted a read-only link to this data on the “Members-Only Information/Aircraft Data” page, under “Other Useful Links – Maintenance Spreadsheet”. This spreadsheet is updated at least monthly, and contains pertinent information about each aircraft’s TBO, oil change schedule, AD schedule, Pitot/static check compliance, etc. It is truly a wealth of information and it’s now right at our fingertips. Kudos to Michael and Bill for the effort that they’ve put in to accomplish this.

You’ll have to be signed in to your web site account to access this information, but once signed in, you can find it here (under the “Aircraft Data” tab, and then clicking the “Maintenance Spreadsheet” at the bottom of the first table).

Thanks, Michael and Bill!  This is a great resource!!